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I’m Going to Push Your Limits


Hoop Skillz was created with the intention to develop players in a way where they will understand the game of basketball and get back to the basics of the game. While learning core values such as hard work, dedication, and building character on and off the court.

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Individual Skills Training focuses on ball handling drills, shooting drills, performance training, skill development and teaches the understanding how to use the moves effectively. Endurance training is also incorporated to give game like simulation and conditioning for game pace. You’ll see an improvement in player performance in no time.


Team and group skills training or conditioning workouts are available for a discounted rate. Group workouts focus on skill development as well as game like simulation drills. Conditioning is a huge part of team workouts in order to build players stamina for game speed.

Contact Me

Our mission is to create a plan to enhance a player's present skill set and strengthen their weaknesses. Contact me and let me drive your player's to achieve their own greatness.

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